I feel a bit funny because I have to sort of recall my experiences way back ...... exactly 2 years ago... The Hongkong Experience was indeed worth reminiscing... The place, the people, the fun, the busy life --- these what makes Hongkong so unique. I have to admit I was so overwhelmed with the oppurtunity to travel to Hongkong. The thought of going to Hongkong sends mixed feelings to me. Above all these, there is one thing that really excites me --- SHOPPING.. A self-confessed shoppaholic, I already concocted an imaginary list that varies from clothes to electronics. True enough, Hongkong is NOT Hongkong if not for its shopping magic charm. I must say you can buy all sorts of stuffs -- from steam iron, jewelries, luggage bags to mp3 player at a reasonable and really cheap prizes. And take note you can ask for discounts. Filipinos are well known for being the one who would ask for a bigger discount... Must have adopted some sort of "dramatic plot" which leaves the vendor no choice but to give the item for such a low low price (example is a HK$150 bag bought for only $65). No one can surpass the Filipinos when it comes to this....
My favorite experiences when I was in Hongkong include the Ocean Park, the Peak, Lantau island, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mongkok escapades. The Ocean Park is simply amazing - with vast arrays of wonderful creatures and vomit-inducing rides. The Abyss experience will give anyone a feeling of having half of your body suspended in the air while the other half is going down.... Extremely exhilarating but worth a try. This was actually what scared me prior to our next ride which is the Mine Train. Just looking at the Mine Train, with a set of huge trains built on top of the ocean is really scary.... I mean I cannot imagine myself riding into something that goes around revolving and rotating and actually feeling the nakedness of the sea and air... And this is not the typical ride that finishes fast. This is the longest ride of my life --- really ... and the pacing is slow that you can feel your actual fall... I have to admit again -- I did something stupid.. Clinging so hard on Avnher's hands (my officemate) and shouting so loud that everyone looks at me with a funny look when the engine has not even started is one of the many funny and stupid things I did with this ride... But I didn't care anymore.... All I was thinking was that I have to release that monster fear I have inside and that is the only way I can think of at that moment... Whoa.... The Hongkong experience is something worth reminiscing.....