Sunday, November 06, 2022

Samar: A Solo Trip


Date: Sept 29 - Oct 3, 2022

Day 1: Arrival at Calbayog (Sept 29 - Thursday)


On board Philippine Airlines going to Western Samar, I hopped on a propeller jet plane at around 7:21 AM on a sunny Thursday of Sept 29. Days ago when I booked the ticket, I learned that Manila flies to Calbayog on limited days (I think twice a week). That makes this trip more exciting as it is still not too commercialized. After an excellent business class service, I arrived around 9 AM at a small but clean Calbayog airport. After claiming my baggage, I got in a small tricycle going to my accommodation which was a quick 15 minutes or so. I was too early for the 2 PM check out so I decided to go around the city and proceeded to the Tourism office so I could have a look if they have available tours to recommend. I met with a local tourism officer and was told that, unlike regulated and established tourism sites like Palawan, Bohol, Cebu, and Boracay, Samar has yet to have one. Though apologetic for the lack of available tours, she gave me so much valuable information and guidance on how and where to go around Calbayog which was their territory. I was told that for Biri and Sohoton, I have to check with the provincial tourism officers who are located in the capital Catbalogan. After half an hour, I thanked her and proceeded to grab lunch at one of the most recommended restaurants around town -- Marcial's Grille, which served the best dilis rice so far. I tried their baby back ribs with dilis rice and it was such a satisfying meal I am so optimistic the whole trip will be a success. After lunch, I checked in and spent the afternoon taking my much-needed rest (I had not slept much the day before).








Day 2: Calbayog Falls (Sept 30 - Friday)

    After taking the needed rest, I prepared for the Falls tour and headed to town. As advised by the Tourism officer the other day, I took a trip to Allen via the Amoec e-jeep at the center of town. At a quarter past 9 in the morning, we left Calbayog for Allen, alighted at Barangay Tinaplacan at around 11, and proceeded to the barangay tourism center which is just right at the corner of the highway. After paying the fees (DENR-30; Habal - 200; Guide - 300), I got on the habal habal with my guide Kuya Lemuel. After 15 minutes, we arrived at the jump-off point and were greeted with a refreshing view of Bangon Falls. After a short break, we then start to trek to Tarangban Falls. After being on a climbing hiatus, I was not in my best form to do some climbing so even if this will be a minor trek, it'll be quite a challenge for me.
    After multiple stops & breaks, I finally reached Tarangban Falls around 11:50AM!!!! What was more amazing was the fact that there were no other tourists but me... The falls were all to me!!! What a treat!! I love how pristine & peaceful the place was and wanted to stay longer but had to consider the travel and trek down plus there was still the Bangon Falls that had to be explored. Around 15 min after noontime, I left Tarangban Falls and arrived at the jump-off after 15 minutes of down trek. After being greeted with the calm and steady flows of Bangon, I didn't waste any time and lay flat on its free-flowing waters. It was so refreshing I almost fell asleep while lying on it. After almost an hour, I decided to change to prepare to go back to the main road. We were supposed to be fetched at 2pm but we made it early so when one habal driver arrived, my guide requested him to tell our habal driver that we were ready (Note: There was no signal around the falls so it is best to tell the habal driver the pick-up time once you reach the jump-off point). At around 1:30 pm, we left the falls and arrived at the main highway minutes later. My guide and habal driver assisted me to the e-jeep which arrived after a few more minutes of waiting. They were very helpful to me and told them I would recommend them to my friends. I knew I was the only tourist that day and they only earn based on tourist arrivals. I hope that Samar Tourism will have the spotlight that it rightfully deserves. I arrived at Calbayog around 3:15pm and traveled to a semi-secluded Kaunan sa Karayman for my lunch/dinner. I feasted on their crab which is sweeter than the usual one. I've had the rest of the afternoon buying items for my Sohoton or Biri Island tour the next day. Had another wonderful rest.  

Day 3: Travel to Basey for Sohoton Cave (Oct 1 - Saturday)

    For my Day 3, I have to choose between Sohoton and Biri Island as both are from the extreme ends of the island, the former being on the southern part near Leyte and the latter being on the farther northern part. Based on my research, Biri only has 2 trips each day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. I hate to rush when I travel so I reckon that Biri will take 2 days and that would mean I won't be able to cross Tacloban and get a glimpse of the famed San Juanico Bridge. Sohoton seemed to be a better choice as it is located on the south and near Tacloban, so I get to shoot two birds at the same time, so to speak -- visit Sohoton and see San Juanico Bridge. But I was so enchanted with Biri Island that I have set my mind on it. I choose the other terminal, the one with the Grand Tours van that have both trips to Allen (going to Biri) and Catbalogan (Sohoton). For some strange reason, my feet led me to the Catbalogan van and I only realized I chose the wrong van when it was already leaving the terminal. So I reckoned I have to go to Plan B, which is the Sohoton Cave. We left 8AM and arrived in Catbalogan at around 9:30AM. I went straight to the Tourism office to ask for directions going to Basey but unfortunately, it was close. I asked a few locals and they directed me to the local public terminal. When I arrived in the terminal, there were many buses lining up for different destinations. I found the one going to Guiuan which will pass by the town of Basey. I asked the conductor to have me alighted in the nearest landmark of Basey. An hour have passed and we still have not left the terminal. I soon realized that they have to wait for more passengers before leaving because of the long trip. I must have waited for nearly 2 hours before it left at around 12 noon. Then finally after like forever, the bus left the terminal. 

    On various occasions, I was signaling with the bus conductor and reminding him to drop me off at Basey Town. My eyes were on him in every town that we passed and kept on asking him if we were near it. After more than 3 hours, I saw some highway signs about Basey and asked the conductor about getting off at Basey (which he nearly forgot) and good thing the drop-off point was just a few meters away so he immediately mentioned the nearest gasoline station the driver. At around 3:15PM, I finally arrived at Basey town. A seemingly sleepy town, it looks like a familiar childhood town in my province Negros Occidental. I then called the nearest tricycle driver and asked him to get me to Sohoton plus the fare going there. He seemed unsure but gave me a reasonable amount which proved to be just the standard fare as Sohoton was a bit far from the main town. Plying the main highway for 25 minutes, I reached Sohoton Tourist Center at around 3:40PM, a few minutes after its closing time. The receptionist told me that it did not accept any more guests at that time and advised me to come back the next day. She was kind enough to recommend the nearest inn that I could check into and advise me to arrive early so I could have more time to see more of Basey. As advised, I then proceeded to the said inn and luckily, the driver waited for me and dropped me in the inn which was just near the drop-off location earlier and just along the main highway. As soon as I settled in, I walked around town and bought food for dinner and brunch the next day. Basey was a small town and I spent just a little over half an hour and decided to retire early for tomorrow's activity. It was a well-deserved rest. 

Day 4: Sohoton Cave (Oct 2 - Sunday)

I was so excited for Sohoton that I woke up early and got ready for the 8:30 trip. I wanted to make the most of my trip to Basey and wanted to leave early since I have a long trip back to Calbayog. I also learned the day before that Tacloban was just an e-jeep away from Basey so I planned to take the trip to Calbayog from Tacloban so I could cross the famous San Juanico Bridge, once the longest bridge in the Philippines. After a quick bread breakfast, I waited for Kuya who I contracted to yesterday. He seemed to have forgotten it so I decided to call on another trike. Got off at Sohoton at almost 8:30 and started the trip after the initial orientation. I was just by myself --- totally a new experience!!!! I got to enjoy nature solo. Scary but exciting. The river cruise took us almost 30 minutes spanning mangroves, small communities, riverbanks, and rock formations. As soon as I arrived, I hopped into the floating deck and climbed a few steps into what they call the assembly or orientation area which works as resting area as well (small huts). There was a duo who serenaded me with a local song and I was somehow moved by the way they welcome visitors. My guide then directed me to the cave entrance and started the actual orientation of the dos and don'ts of the cave. I was gear ready (helmet,etc) and I was a bit nervous given that my last cave experience was that of Sagada which was extremely difficult for a first-timer. So I have prepared both mentally and physically for this challenge. The guide assured me this was an easy one and since I told him about Sagada, he reassured me it was way more like a walk in the park as compared to the challenging Sagada adventure. And he was right. My first 10 minutes was like literally walking in the park inside the cave. It was impressively vast and well-lit. Yes, there were lights inside the park that makes visibility better for tourists. They have really regulated it for all kinds of tourists -- like literally you can bring children inside the cave. It was almost an hour of wows and ahhs for me, not just because it was an easy and light tour but it was also educational and informative. Kudos to my guide and perhaps all the guides there because they seem to be really knowledgeable in the area. 

    After the cave tour, I had another short trip to what they call the Sohoton Bridge. My boatman and I have to navigate a tricky rapids going there and when he pointed me the bridge, I expected it was probably a suspension bridge that connects two rock formations. Alas, it was nothing of that nature! It was bridge formed by nature itself -- it was like two mountains holding hands or two rocks shaking hands. It was a marvel of nature. Kuya asked me if I wanted to swim on the rapids below it and said yes. After like almost 15 minutes, we then went back to the base. It was one unique commune with nature!!! Such a peaceful and serene experience! At almost 11am, I left Sohoton and headed back to Basey town proper to buy their famed Banig at a tourist center. I headed to Ame Hotel at 11:45am, had a quick lunch, and checked out. I flagged another trike for the terminal going to Tacloban. At 12:15pm, we left Basey on a comfy e-jeep and passed through the famous bridge. I was probably the only one taking video of the actual passing through the bridge and despite multiple glares, I continued marveling at the beauty of it. I was hiding my giddiness so as not to embarrass myself. Basey to Tacloban is just a 30-minute trip and was amazed by how near it was. If I had known, I would have planned for an overnight in Tacloban for a short tour but I'll probably reserve it on future trips. I looked for the earliest trip to Catbalogan and found a 1:30pm one. After 5.5 hours, I finally arrived at Calbayog and decided to retire early. It was a fulfilling day!

Day 5: Departure (Oct 3 - Monday)

I had my 10am trip so I woke up early for an early checkout and a small trip to a famous pasalubong center to buy their famous tinapa. I really recommend trying their version of tinapa because it was so good. I arrived in Manila at way past noon and spent the rest of the day unpacking and taking more well-deserved sleep. I am definitely going back to Samar and exploring more, plus include Tacloban as well. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Batangas - Bacolod: A 3-Day Ordeal

Date of Travel: December 12-14, 2021

Port of Origin: Batangas City

Port of Destination/s:

                - Caticlan

                - Dumangas, Iloilo

                - Bacolod City, Negros Occidental



     This trip was my 3rd time to try the RORO trip (the 1st one being via Calapan and thru Roxas port in Mindoro & the 2nd one was also via Calapan but thru the new Bulalacao port in Mindoro). The first 2 trips was longer in terms of kilometers but it took me just roughly a day to complete it (average 22-24 hours) pre-pandemic. This 3rd trip was shorter in kilometers but it took us 3 days --- yes THREE freaking, stressful days!!!! It was supposed to be shorter; but given the fact that we traveled on a pandemic, I was expecting it to be a little over a day. But lo and behold, the challenges we (YES, I had a companion this time -- my cousin; the last two being a solo trip) had to go through make even the most patient person to snap.. Glad we still kept our sanity during and after the trip.


Day 0: Leaving NCR to Batangas - December 11 (Challenge #1)


1400H - We left Pasig and headed to Batangas City to stay overnight at a hotel before our trip to the port the next day.


1730H - While we were traversing the expressway between San Jose & Batangas City, there was a loud noise at the bottom of the car (driver & passenger seat at the front). It was akin to having something hanging from the car and was touching the ground and making a clanking super loud noise. I was hesitant to stop in the middle of the highway  but got worried to run or continue driving on a flat tire -- I was expecting it was that scenario. I got out and checked the tires immediately. ALL were completely intact and well, after all I got it all loaded at 32 a piece earlier in the morning before we left. I then resumed driving, but the noise was persistent and I decided to stop by the next Lay By area. I checked on the bottom area and something was leaking but can't figure out what was it. Since we were nearing the city (Batangas), we decided to continue despite the noise; praying and hoping we can make it in one piece.


1800H - When we reached Rotonda, the noise suddenly disappeared; like nothing happened. As urban legends say, we "talked" to the other elements to just leave us alone (along with the silent prayers to keep us away from harm). By dusk, we reached the hotel where we stayed for the night before our trip to the port early morning the next day.

Day 1:  Batangas Port Departure - December 12 (Challenge #2) 


     Although this was my 3rd RORO trip via Batangas City, it was my first time taking on a different destination. Taking on the Caticlan route instead of Mindoro would have given us lesser travel time, albeit more costly. Days before our trip, we already signed an Online Health Declaration Form in the website of Aklan LGU as per their latest COVID-19 travel requirements for Pass-Through travelers (via Executive Order No. 028-A, Series of 2021). There was one requirement that is a bit generic  -- Notice of Coordination/Acceptance from Province of Destination. How are we gonna ask for that document if we do not even have a template or specific allowed documents that are accepted? What we did was email the Aklan LGU indicating the travel details and since we don't have any idea of the first requirement, we assumed emailing the Aklan LGU would suffice. Before facing whatever challenges we might be fighting on regarding the requirements in Batangas port, we first passed on a local gasoline station to have Darren (my car's name) checked. While we were detailing the ordeal to the 2 car mechanic techs on what happened yesterday, they looked at each other and chorused "Ganyan lang Ma'am magwelcome ang mga taga Batangas", obviously highlighting and confirming our "Mumu" point of view of what happened. They narrated that they always get asked about it by many private cars and confirming the same noise we had yesterday. Calming our fears, he checked the hood and assured us everything was okay and fine with the vehicle. Heaving sighs of relief, we left the station and headed for the port.


0900H -  The real challenge started when we reached the port. We looked for the 2Go tent outside the port as was instructed to me when I made the reservation. (READ: You need to text the 2GO Batangas port reservation officer to secure a slot via the mobile number +63965 577 8335 most preferably 2 weeks or more before the travel; mine I did a month before our initial travel which was supposed to be Dec 10 but we moved to Dec 12) There were a few private cars parking on one lane of the main way opposite the entrance towards the port; dominated by wheeler trucks and container vans. We went to look for the tent -- a makeshift one where most of the vessels have their own small tables & counters for those who will travel to Mindoro, Caticlan and Romblon. As soon as I found the table of 2Go, I asked about our reservation and the dispatcher in charge checked on their list and confirmed my slot then told me to come back later as their main office has yet to arrive. He also advised us to generate S-Pass while waiting for their staff. For those who have no smart phone or no data, the guard near the tent somehow helped those who are unavailable to do so. (Note: Be prepared for a LONG WAIT, better to buy foods within the day although there's a few carinderia and food stalls in the area)


1300H - The 2Go Batangas port staff arrived and asked for the final province destination and checked on their list for the requirements (Note: I should have asked them when I was making the reservation; though I had the impression that they are leaving it to the passengers to secure the necessary approvals as they told me that we should have the necessary documents for the destination LGU.) They asked for 3 items: (1) S-Pass where we already generated while we were waiting for the 2Go staff; (2) VaxCertPH or Vaccination Card (they might advise some who have Vax Card without QR code to secure VaxCertPH but they still accept Vax Card without QR for now); (3) Barangay Certificate or any ID with the address of the destination LGU. I tried to contest on the last requirement as all of my IDs were already an NCR-based address. He said any old ID or a screenshot of Barangay Certification will do. He asked me to talk to their supervisor if he would allow it. I tried to convince the latter but failed to. I was starting to get stressed -- getting a Barangay Certificate on a Sunday can be a challenge. I immediately contacted by brother and sis-in-law if they can secure one or know a Barangay Kagawad who can issue a certificate on a weekend. I was already thinking of worse case scenarios while talking to them; one of those was staying for another day to complete the requirement. (Note: This is why traveling on a pandemic can be REALLY stressful so pack lots of patience and cooler heads) While witnessing some confirmed slots filling up forms for the entry to the port, our stress level goes up every hour of waiting for the updates from Bacolod. More passengers and travelers are adding up and slowly filling up the tent. A lot of dissatisfied ones especially for those who are being greeted with "Fully booked na po" and some walk in travelers patiently waiting for that slim shot at making it. After more than an hour, my brother sent me the screenshot of the Barangay Certificate they got -- luck seems to be on our side right now as there was a blood letting activity in the barangay and there were people working at the office. We then showed the screenshot and were given the forms. After submitting it, we were asked to try to enter the port (if the port officials allowed) while waiting for our confirmed forms from 2Go. We tried to but were disallowed and had to go back to park.


1800H - We were now given the validated forms to show to the port guards at the entrance and were told to line up in lane 14. As soon as we were told to proceed, there are 3 more screenings we need to pass on -- (1) main port entrance; (2) PCG; and finally (3) Port Boarding Pass - honestly I did not recall this last part on my last 2 RORO trips.


2000H - After having our boarding passes ready and waiting at Lane 14, we were then allowed to board the vessel.


2100H - SIGH of RELIEF. At last, the vessel departed Batangas port!!!!


Day 2 - Caticlan Port Arrival - December 13 - Challenge #3


1030H - We arrived at Caticlan after more than half a day and while waiting for the announcement to prepare for the roll off, we were advised to standby as the vessel anchors away from the port. We saw a few vessels who are anchored as well like us and were waiting for their time to dock.


1200H - Announcement of delay as there were still more verification measures done after docking so we were advised to wait for further announcements. Free lunch were served. There were not much options as well to buy in the resto.


1600H - We saw another 2Go vessel arrived and were anchored behind us.


1700H - Some passengers saw that the other 2Go vessel that just arrived an hour ago began to sail to the docking area of the port. That prompted many to complain to the customer service desk and demanded for explanation. Minutes later, the management and staffs were being bombarded with complaints, questions and high-pitched angry demands. Majority wanted clarity on what happened and why were we left guessing on what happened. One of the passengers were led by the crew manager to the captain and came back with the explanation that the latter gave to him. He explained that the other 2Go was allowed to sail because their communicated ETA was first or earlier than ours. Still, it was not enough explanation.


1800H - No updates on what time we will be allowed to roll off but dinner was given to all passengers. Everyone was hungry, angry and restless. Since we won't be making it in Dumangas on time, I made a quick reservation on a hotel in Kalibo.


1900H - Announcements were made that we will be docking off the port. Drivers (private, trucks, buses, vans) were advised to prepare Vax card & S-Pass and will be prioritized as needed.


1930H - As soon as we docked, representatives from Aklan LGU entered the ship and asked for the Vax Card, S-Pass and made us fill up in the list form. One of them also asked us of the QR code and I told them we are only Pass-thru travelers and will not be staying on Aklan. She told us it was still needed. I told her it was not asked of us since we are aren't Aklan-bound and she referred me to another staff which took screenshots of our IDs instead and let us go. I asked her if there was some forms or validated notes that they will give us that showed we are done with the verification in case someone from the port will ask for it. She said it was okay; which left us shocked and confused but then we left as they told us and the reception area looked like a marketplace when we left. Some, I am guessing saw and heard the inconsistency with what was happening  and took advantage of the situation and went along with us while we were making our way down. I told the ship marshal to let us (along with one private car) be first as our cars were the ones blocking the way out. I had to shout again and told them "Sige kuya paunahin nyo sila di rin sila makakalabas kase nakaharang yung kotse namin." It was then that he escorted us and had us navigate through the chaotic line. As soon as we reached the car and got the go signal, we drove off but was stopped again by the port guard. I realized by then that I left my 2Go tickets and documents in the table where we just left and reckoned it might be needed on our way out. Stressor after another stressor!!!! Me and my cousin were both sighing frustration when we were asked of a certain document (it was not the 2Go ticket) and I told him we were not given any verification document by the team who checked us. I was so stressed out I blurted out, "Kuya, siyam na oras na kami nakalutang at nag aantay na makalabas at sangkatutak na ang dokumento na hiningi sa amin sa loob, hindi namn kami binigyan ng document na may stamp, anong gagawin namin babalik kami ulit dun?" The circumstances we experienced have already exhausted the remaining sanity and patience we've had as we reiterated it to him. He confirmed something from the supervisor on the table stationed at the tent and gave us instead a piece of paper to fill up (names & contact number) before letting us go. It was an already exhausting ordeal leaving the ship and we had to deal with this additional stressor. Before leaving the port and after giving the paper, I told the guard, this time on a pleading manner, "Kuya, lahat ng mga susunod sa amin pagod na rin yan at galit, wag nyo na rin silang pahirapan… Kanina papo kami lahat stressed.." He just nodded and off we drove off.


2130H - After braving the long, winding, dark and sometimes scary pathways to Kalibo, we reached the address as indicated in the booking. The hotel signboard was there but it was dark and closed. We tried to look for a post about the possible transfer but cannot find one. We asked one local about the hotel and pointed us to a narrow road across the street, where a small signboard of the hotel was placed. We were not sure at first because it seemed sketchy but when we asked the staff, he confirmed the booking. We then maneuvered to have the car parked inside a small place in front of the hotel. AT LAST, we reached the hotel safe and sound. IT was a good day REST!!!


Day 3 - Dumangas to Bacolod - December 14 - Challenge #4


0800H - After checking out and having breakfast at a nearby fast food, we headed to Dumangas, Iloilo to catch for a ferry at the earliest possible time.


1200H - Quick lunch along the highway and had a few small stops to buy some additional food and drinks.


1400H - After more than 5 hours of drive along a combination of semi-paved, rough and paved roads, we reached Dumangas port. After going back outside of the port to have ourselves listed in the PCG station, we then headed back to the port area; asked for assistance from the guard on the steps as things might have changed the way it was before I had my RORO trip. After paying the terminal fees, we were told to list ourselves in one of the vessels that are bound for Bacolod. At first I was heading towards Montenegro but the port staff was busy as they were busy loading cars and vans that was currently anchored. The other guards on the parking area told me to go to the Tri-Star instead. They were after all the fastest in terms of loading and transition of arriving and departing vessels. Within 30 minutes after loading, there will be another vessel arriving to unload and load a new batch. We were patiently waiting for our turn as there were already waiting private vehicles when we arrived, almost a third of the port parking area.


1700H - Confirmed my plate number (only the last 3 digit was listed) from the staff as it was taking a little bit longer despite the fast turnover of the vessel. We were told there is no exact time on when we can be rolled in. Another vessel came in while most were scrambling and following the vessel port staff. We noticed that some transferred to the middle area (we were parked at the rightmost side facing the sea) and there were suddenly an influx of vehicles entering (not sure if they were on the list) as we tried to listen to plate numbers being called. I have a hunch we were already called but cannot verify from where we were when the staff started hollering for the plate numbers. There were instances where some VVIPs that were included in one of the supervisor's (not sure if it was of the vessel) group were allowed first which obviously rendered some low key rants and disgust from the others that were supposed to be first.


1930H - Another vessel was about to load in on the area near us and I was about to ask about our number when I finally confirmed that we were called in already. I then told them that we can board in and he (the staff) said yes but told us to wait to be called. I waited a few minutes and finally asked again why we were not called in and he told me he already said that I can proceed. Miscommunication again.. So frustrating!!!!! I had to mention a few rants before finally driving into the vessel. What a waste of time this system is… I mean really port officials should set up a better system than this. Although Dumangas port was less stringent in terms of the requirement, it is more chaotic than that of the Batangas port. :( Also, for those who have passengers onboard, have your tickets paid while on board as some instructions given to us vary and confused us more. Though a highly stressful experience, we were told while on board that 1 passenger is free for all vehicles. At least, there were a few consolation and good news, not to mention the fare is cheaper (800 - as far as I can recall, it was more than 1k pre-pandemic times).


2000H - We finally left Dumangas port and headed to Bacolod City… What a big SIGH of RELIEF!!!


2200H - Arrived safely in the City of Smiles.. FINALLY!!! The 3-day ordeal has ended… (super sigh)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Thoughts on PPOP Phenomenon SB19's newest single "WHAT?"

Thoughts on PPOP Phenomenon SB19's newest single "WHAT?"

Information: SB19 released it's newest single last March 9, 2021 entitled "What?", a complex song about self-love and empowerment.

These parts hit so hard you'll feel numb for a while ...

"... Lahat ng aking basura
Pupulutin, laging dala
Kahit san pa 'ko magpunta
Lapat sa lupa aking mga paa..."

[THOUGHTS] Isn't it that we always carry our baggage with us no matter where we go? But maintaining our feet still on the ground is yet another story on it's own. Speaks so much about staying grounded, staying humble while we reap blessings left and right OR keeping oneself connected with one's inner self when we mess up ..

"Di na bala para iangat ang bandera
Bara na sa puso nyo na ang tatama
Ama! Salamat at ikaw ang agimat
Bawat banat, iwagayway mo ang watawat..."

[THOUGHTS] Combining politics and religion is very brave of Pablo and SB19, topics that are highly divisive and polarizing... The flag here is somewhat a metaphor for something that you are fighting for, with the one above as the amulet that shields one off from the bullet that pierces through one's soul..
.... Highly complicated lyrics I must say, one that you don't regularly hear from musicians -- oftentimes, we usually are spoon-fed with straightforward ones that are easy to understand ... but this... this song... sheds off much of your brain cells... so hats off to the genius that is Pablo, the brain of this masterpiece...

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Japan - The Second Glimpse

Date: March 15 - 24, 2019
Travel Buddies: Jeanie Rose & Richard 
Day 1  - March 15 - Yokohama

Left Manila early morning and arrived Narita at past 10am. My cousin and I are both excited for this trip and we just felt it went up as soon as we got our luggage and got cleared by the immigration. We waited for my brother who will be fetching us from the airport. After we saw him, we then decided to have our first lunch at the airport as the trip can be long & demanding given that we have our luggage with us while on the train. We then purchased the JR Tokyo Wide Pass (currently priced at ¥10,000 or roughly around ₱4,500), a consecutive 3-day pass within the JR line train which already included a reserved Narita Express ticket to Yokohama where my brother resides and an advance reserved ticket from Tokyo to Karuizawa that we will use the next day. When we arrived in Yokohama, we decided to drop our bags via one of their coin lockers – ours was a large modern automatic one near the Keikyu Central Entrance. Pretty useful for tourists and travelers alike I must say!!!
     We strolled around Minato Mirai where Nippon Maru was anchored, a tall ship built in Kobe & said to have circled the world 45 times stood tall in front of Landmark Tower. Nippon Maru Memorial Park was also a breather as we sit on and just marvel at the sights around us. After a collection of photos serving as mementos of our trip, we then resumed the stroll – this time around Isezakicho, a long stretch of shops & cafes -- only to end up triggering the shopping button (which by the way runs deep in me and my cousin’s blood J) on one of their famous retailer stores – Don Quijote. I also had to buy a pair of shoes to replace what I was wearing which caused a bit of discomfort when we had a long walk from the airport to train stations – I guess a tip there to travelers to choose comfort over style or fashion (“tiis-ganda” is not recommended here ladies).
          We realized it’s dinner time so we tried a taste of Japanese comfort food – a combination of sushi & Shabu-shabu – which truthfully lived up to its purpose (comfort = stomach full in a good way). We then headed back to retrieve our luggage and proceeded to Minami Machida -- our home for the entire trip.

Day 2 - March 16 - Karuizawa


It’s Karuizawa day!!!! We got up early despite being tired the day before, knowing we’re up on another long but exciting adventure. We left Suzukakedai, one of the stations near my brother’s place at around 8am to make it to our 10:32AM trip from Tokyo to Karuizawa. When we arrived in Yokohama and about to take on the bullet train, we were told to purchase additional ticket which we did not understand at first despite having my brother talking to the train officers. We thought they must have mistaken so we tried to talk to the people in the counter and were told to purchase additional ticket from Shin Yokohama to Tokyo for the Shinkansen (I’m assuming this is probably because the reserved ticket was from Tokyo and not from Yokohama). After things were cleared out, we then boarded the JR East Railway – Hokuriku Shinkansen which will take us approximately an hour to Karuizawa, a resort town located in Nagano Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo. When we arrived at Karuizawa, we passed by the Tourist Center for guidance and advise on where to go. We decided to try Shiraito and Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, and if there’s still more time maybe Kumoba Pond. Some of the attractions are on the opposite directions so we had to make the most out of what was possible.
While waiting for the bus, we dropped by a nearby cafĆ© and tried their locally made cheesecake which can be super intricately designed you don’t want to eat them. We then rushed out of the cafĆ© when the Kusatsu onsen bound bus arrived. Onboard, we passed by typical rural Japan houses, then started taking little zigzag turns as we went uphill. Thawing snowflakes were still clearly visible on the trees and cabins clearly placed amongst them. The view was amazing as we zigzagged our way to Shiraito Falls. After half an hour, we were greeted with lines of towering pine trees that seemed to be guarding this falls. After taking a 5-minute walk from where we were dropped, we finally got a glimpse of the 3-meter high Shiraito Falls. Unlike the typical falls found on mountains, Shiraito Falls was clearly unique and lived up to its meaning (“shiraito“ means “white threads”) -- streams look like white threads quietly cascading into the pond. The view was beyond picturesque, the feel serene -- the kind that brings a sense of peace to visitors. With the snow as welcome addition, we felt ecstatic & refreshing at the same time, a familiar feeling to the senses. Before we lined up and waited for the bus to arrive, we tried their local grilled fish that was inviting us earlier when we arrived – yummy, worth a try indeed!

Heading back, we stopped by the station near the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, a popular shopping street that can be strolled by for some souvenirs and good finds. The street was lined up with cafes, restaurants, bakeshops and various stores selling anything from jams, wines, honey, meat jerky, sausages, bread, clothes, shoes, paintings, wooden furniture and accessories known as Karuizawa-bori (means Karuizawa carving). We spent a lot of time amongst these shops that we lost track of time. Lunch was quickly forgotten as we tried out various foods amongst these cafes and shops. We got back at half past 2pm and left Karuizawa at almost 3pm.
          We decided to pass by Tokyo station for some videos and photos – both the inside and outside faƧade were instagrammable even up until dusk. After a long day, the tummy started to complain so we headed to the traditional Japanese restaurant setting – grilled meat & seafood and the famed okonomiyaki where we tried 3 flavors – cheese, seafood and pork which seemed to be too much to take in but we all managed to finish them all. Whooahhh what a filling day indeed!!!!

Day 3  - March 17 - Mt Fuji, Chureito Pagoda

Another exciting adventure ahead of us, this time another rural Japan adventure. When I had my first trip to Japan 2 years ago, we went to Fujisawa to get a glimpse of Mt Fuji. This time, we will be visiting a Pagoda temple that they say has the same amazing view of Mt. Fuji. We left home at around 10 in the morning heading to Hachioji via Nagatsuta station, then transferred to JR Chuo line heading to Otsuki via Takao. We arrived at Otsuki at a quarter past 1 in the afternoon, then purchased another set of ticket heading to Shimoyoshida station via the Fujikyu Railway Line. After almost 4 hours, we arrived at Shimoyoshida station which at that time was starting to get cold and was snowing a little. We bought a few hot drinks on the vendo and some munchies in the nearby food cart. After filling in, we then started the 15 minute walk towards Chureito Pagoda, which I have to tell you was not your typical rural walk in the park. Strolling on the paved road, there were painted photos & tourist information that are exactly on the pavement that we were stepping on. So creative I must say!!!         

We then started a tiring uphill stairway challenge and arrived at the first stop of the Arakura Sengen Shrine Park. Reaching the plateau, we were welcomed with a breather -- food cart area for hungry tourists, a purification fountain and a Shinto temple with hanging customized prayers & messages written on wooden plaques which can be bought on the shrine store nearby. From the familiar “world peace” to good health in the family, there were so many interesting messages posted outside the temple. 

After a brief rest, we then continued the grueling uphill walk towards the main attraction which took us half an hour to reach. An alternate was a similar uphill climb via the stairs which I don’t want to try on going up. Catching our breaths, we were rewarded with one of the most amazing view of the iconic Mt. Fuji plus the five-story Chureito Pagoda that seems to crave for the same attention as that of its backdrop. We were glad that there were not much tourists at that time and we got as much shots as we can and still enjoy the view, albeit the mountain summit was covered with clouds (recommended time to visit was mid-April until October). We stayed for a few hours and tried the foods on the rest area before heading back. We left Shimoyoshida station at half past 5, satisfied with yet another rural glimpse of Japan.

Day 4  - March 18 - Shibuya

          My brother was back to work so we were left to attend to ourselves & what better way to do than shopping, right? Before we went on to splurge, we waited the whole morning for the delivery of the items that my brother ordered online. As soon as it arrived by lunchtime, we then left for Shibuya and spent roughly 2 hours before heading back home to meet my cousin’s friend Lea and her family. After a limited time for shopping (really, 2 hours was not enough!), we met up with them for dinner and bonded with her kids. My cousin & I then decided to have a sleepover at their place since we still have the whole day tomorrow for a new set of shopping and/or strolling.

Day 5 - March 19- Fuchu 

          Well rested (thanks to Lea), we made our way to Fuchu, a nearby shopping center that she recommended to us the night before, just less than half an hour away from her place. We got off at Fuchu-shi station around half past 11 in the morning & went to the nearby Kururu shopping mall. We spent most of the time around the area including the annex building which are like haven for beauty products ranging from facial masks, moisturizers to serums & sunscreens. Expectedly, our eyes bled & almost got lost track of time but then we were happy and satisfied with what we’ve bought. We headed back to Lea’s place and they had us for dinner before dropping us back home.

Day 6  - March 20 - Roppongi

My brother’s back so we’re back as well on our usual city trip. Plan for the day was to get a glimpse of Tokyo and a museum visit around Roppongi, a popular tourist destination. We left at almost noon time and took the bus going to Nagatsuta station and headed for Oshiage. From there, we went on foot to Tokyo Skytree Town, a buzzling touristy spot known for its proximity to Tokyo Skytree Tower & settled for lunch around the area. After lunch, we then headed outside to get a shot of the Tower and decided to settle with the view from there. After having a few video & photo captures, we then headed to Roppongi.

First we took the Hanzomon Line to Aoyama-Itchome headed for Chuorinkan and transferred to Ginza Line for Asakusa then to Roppongi via the Toei Subway-Oedo Line. After almost 6pm, we went into Mori Art Museum & Tokyo City View and Sky deck for a 360 degree view of the city and a preview of Japanese contemporary art. 

We first lined up in the Tokyo City View, an indoor observation deck facility featuring Sky Gallery, an urban museum-quality space giving visitors a dramatic view of the metropolitan Tokyo. Standing behind glass-enclosed gallery, the city was a buzzling sight to behold, a mixture of lights and sounds that are best enjoyed at night.

After gazing and glancing at Tokyo’s night view, we then headed upstairs to embrace another visual treat. Entitled Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions, the exhibition was the sixth edition of the Roppongi Crossing series of exhibitions launched 2004 and showcased the work of around 25 artists & practitioners born in 1970-80s. Strong and agitating, the exhibition was so brave to combine polar opposites and turned ideas upside down providing visual expression that critiques society’s ills.  For a late bloomer museum fan like me, the exhibition was quite moving and disturbing at the same time – giving me a momentary fidgety feeling on a few displays. It wasn’t a simple exhibition, certainly not for an average museum goer and I reckon not many can appreciate some of it especially a few that kind of reminded me of a Japanese horror film I used to watch. Indeed the disturbing feeling can give visitor a few goosebumps here and there, albeit the purpose might really be to excite and trigger the imagination. In that aspect, I believe it has succeeded and perhaps exceeded my expectations. What an artistic day indeed!!!

Day 7 - March 21 - Odaiba

After the visual treat that Mori Art and Tokyo City View provided yesterday, we’re in for another eye-catching treat. We headed to Odaiba, location of the crowd drawing attraction such as Team Lab and Diver City where the famous towering Gundam Statue stood tall. We left Suzukakedai at noon time and headed to Shibuya via the Den-entoshi Line, then took the Hanzomon Line to Omote-Sando and finally Ginza Line for Asakusa going to Shimbashi Station. We arrived at Shimbashi at around 2pm and took the Yurikamome Line (Monorail) going to Odaiba-Kaihinkoen station. As soon as we arrived, we then looked for the MORI Building Digital Art Museum where the Team Lab Borderless was located (Note: Booking has to be done ahead of time).

Booked for the 3pm show, we queued for around 15 minutes before finally being checked in. As expected, we were amazed when we were greeted with an array of colors from all corners of the room. It was like we were transported to another world – one that we only imagine on fantasy movies. As there were a lot happening, we decided to separate and just meet up at the exit so we can choose which way to go based on our preferences. Team Lab Borderless can be confusing and overwhelming at the same time, with multiple artworks that move out of rooms intermingling with each other.  Multifaceted and enormous, the 3D displays are fascinating – from the Borderless World where one can see the forest of flowers, flutter of butterflies, memory of topography, transcending space, floating nest (where I spent nearly half an hour), the void, layered ultra-subjective space, multiple lights display and crystal world to the Athletics Forest, where one can be immersed on a graffiti nature with high mountains & deep valleys, aerial climbing, plus a Future Park where one can slide through the fruit field and children can express their artistic side on the sketch aquarium.

I’d say the highlight would be the Universe of water particles on the rock where people largely gather in numbers and the Crystal World where one can just stand in one place and marvel at the glory of amazing lights display. Indeed, our eyes were superbly astounded by the immensely diverse mix of lights, sound and art triggering and enhancing the imagination.  Man … 3 hours went by like a flash we almost did not notice!!! We were so starved we munched in a few delis near the area. After then, we explored the MEGA WEB in Palette Town where one of Japan’s famous car manufacturer Toyota showcased its energy efficient & futuristic cars. With no entrance fee, one can “See, Ride and Feel Cars” and can learn about Toyota’s safety and environmental operations. Before heading to Diver City, we passed by Venus Fort, an indoor shopping mall that was so reminiscent of the old street of Medieval Europe. Lastly, we walked towards Diver City where the famous Gundam statue was erected and walked further for a glimpse of the New York statue replica before heading home. Whooahhhh!!! What a colorful day we had!!!!

Day 8 March 22 - Tsukiji, Akihabara, Ueno 

Two more days and we’ll be back home so to make the most out of the remaining days, we tried to go to as many places as we can. Walking from our place to Suzukakedai station, we dropped by first on the nearby university – Tokyo Institute of Technology to take on some shots of the campus. We then took the Den-entoshi line to Shibuya via Nagatsuta, then transfer to Hanzomon line for Oshiage and got off in Aoyama-Itchome, then finally transfer to Toei Subway-Oedo line towards Daimon for Tochomae and got off at Tsukijishijo, the station near the famed tourist destination Tsukiji Market. After a brief walk from the station, we finally arrived at the Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market, indeed a haven for tourists like us. We found interesting finds – from varieties of seafood both alive and dried, wagyu beef, dried vegetables, fruits and root crops – practically anything that you can find in a wet/dry market. There were a lot happening – from live demo of matcha making, TV interviews on vendors and people queueing on a number of stores. Of course market tour would not be complete without trying on the traditional conveyor belt sushi which was so worth the wait (the queues were long before we were seated).

At half past 2pm, we left the market heading to Akihabara taking the Oedo line via Daimon and got off at Shiodome station, then on foot towards Shimbashi station and finally taking Yamanote line toward Tokyo and got off at Akihabara station. After a quick look at the area, we decided to stroll along the main avenue and walked towards nearby Ueno Park that are reachable on foot (20-30 minutes from the station). Upon reaching Ueno, we were greeted with a flock of tourists all wanting to have their own piece of the blossoming Sakura. Since we were a little early for spring time (best time to have the Sakura view is last week of March or early April), we only got to see a few of the Sakura trees on its full bloom.  Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the short walk. Before heading home, we went to the nearby Ameyoko Market, described by a Japanese vlogger residing in the Philippines as the Divisoria of Japan. With so many good finds and deals, it was somehow similar to Divisoria albeit selling non imitation products. With its open-air atmosphere, the market offered various stores selling anything from fashionable dresses, bags, souvenirs, jerseys, cosmetics and even fruits at insanely cheap prices. What a fruitful day we had!!!

Day 9  – March 23 – Rest

          We initially planned this day to be Sakura viewing day, mainly visiting key parks having the best view of Sakura. But since we already went to Ueno Park the day before, we just decided to have this day as rest day – a good time to pack as well for tomorrow’s flight back home.

Day 10  – March 24 - Home, sweet home

Time flew so fast we are on our last day already! Mixed emotions indeed – happy to be back home but sad to leave my brother behind. Nevertheless, life has to go on and time to face reality! After final check on our luggage, we left home on foot towards Minami-machida station, then boarded a Keisei Bus to Narita Airport (costs ¥3,600 or roughly ₱1,700). 

After nearly 2 hours, we finally reached Terminal 1 and waited for our 1pm flight back home. At way past 5pm PST, we finally arrived home. What a beautiful and memorable trip we had in the Land of the Rising Sun!!!!